‘Out of the box’ is the only way to describe our newest venture. 

I love to encourage women across the generations to love God, each other and themselves in their daily lives as children of God, daughters of the King of Kings, PRINCESSES!!!
But how can I do this beyond my town and local church?? Well…

I have decided to start a YouTube channel!  I know, what is a 57 year old mom thinking starting a YouTube channel?!?!?

Well, I’m thinking this is a way to encourage women here in Austria and beyond in their everyday lives…

The videos will look at….
What does everyday life look like for the daughter of the KING?
How can someone become a daughter of the KING?
How can I get to know my Heavenly Father?
How can I help my sisters grow?
Is it true that every one needs a HEIDI???
And more!

A new video in German and English every Tuesday

Click here to go to my channel. Feel free to subscribe and share it with friends.

Please pray!!!

1. That these videos spread the truth of God’s love and good news to many. 
2. That God would give me wisdom and the words as I make the videos.  For skill and creativity as David does the editing/uploading. 
3. I am also getting licensed to teach my coach’s Leadership Symposium September 10-12. There is a lot of preparation involved for me and my three teammates before we can do the intensive three day training/testing along with 9 other participants. I am so thankful for this opportunity. My coach has helped me so much in developing the leaders in the women’s ministry in my local church. This licensing will broaden that skope! I use it too in developing the plan for my channel and it will certainly be part of my teaching content.

So thankful that:
-Jonathan is doing well at his one year Leader in Further Training course in upstate New York. 
-David has settled into grade 11!!!!!!!
-Both of my guys, several nieces and many friends have been a part of getting this channel going. 

Life and ministry is flourishing. Praise God!!! Thank you for the many ways you support the work here!
The Lord bless you!
Leanne, Jonathan and David